Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Checking In


I am a day late for my weekly weigh in posting. I totally forgot yesterday. Anyways, today I weigh 174, which is .6 less than last week. I am not too happy about how slow it has been, but I am glad it is at least lower than last week, even if it is just half a pound. A few days ago I weighed myself and was 173.5 and I was so excited. But that lasted for one day and then I was back up to 174 and have been for most of the week.

We leave for vacation in 2 days!! So I will probably not post next week. I will assess my weight when I get back and make a game plan for what I need to do. I have been tracking my calories every day and staying within the right range. But I am wondering if I am doing something wrong since I haven't lost much. I am supposed to have 1200 calories a day. But when I exercise I get some extra calories. So I have been eating all of my extra calories too which means some days I am eating a 1400-1500 calorie diet. When I get back from vacation, I am going to experiment with trying to not eat those extra calories, or at least not all of them.

We shall see how that works! I am hoping I will be able to maintain my weight on vacation. I have to stay focused on activity. As long as we are moving and active every day, my food intake should be okay.

Have a great week! Talk soon,


Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Another Week

Well my weight has really not changed all that much this week. I weighed in yesterday at 175 and today at 174.6. It has been varying around there all week. We did travel to Ohio for Mother's Day and visited my husband Andy's family for the weekend. So after having a cookout and a couple glasses of wine, I was happy to stay in the same range I have been. I would love to have lost weight this week. But as long as the scale didn't go the opposite way, that is okay.

Our vacation is officially 1 1/2 weeks away. We leave next Friday for St. Thomas. My goal was to get to 170 before vacation but that seems so far away and I am not sure if that is possible in the next week and a half. I am going to keep trying though… definitely not giving up! My goal on vacation is to maintain my weight. I plan on walking the beach every day to help work off some of the calories we eat/drink. That way when we get back, I can jump right back into the swing of things. I don't believe in "dieting" on vacation. However, I am definitely going to watch it and try to eat healthy.

I will write again next week! Let's hope I am down at least a pound before then!


Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Weekly Weigh-In

Good Morning!

I guess my weekly weigh in is going to be on Tuesdays because I keep forgetting to post on Mondays. I have been super busy with work and Andy being out of town for his job, which means I have to take of care of our 4 month old puppy by myself. He is such a handful! I think he is definitely preparing us for a baby! LOL. But the good news is that he keeps me moving, hence burning calories!

Anyways, today I weighed in at exactly the same as last Tuesday.. 174.8. But I am okay with that. This was the week that Aunt Flo visited and I always gain during this time. So I am actually happy to be the same weight!

We are on a countdown now for our big vacation! Andy and I are going to St. Thomas for our 2nd Anniversary! We are so excited! It is only 16 days away!! Woo! Gotta keep working this weight off!

Hope you have a great week! :)
